TekSavvy DSL 6 Unlimited vs. Bell FIBE Internet 50 Comparison

Head to Head Comparison - Overview

TekSavvy DSL 6 UnlimitedBell FIBE Internet 50
Highlights / Overview
Connection Type DSL Fibre Optic
Fibre to your neighbourhood
Speed 6 Mbps down, 0.8 Mbps up 50 Mbps down, 7.5 Mbps up
Monthly Usage Allowance

How much do I Need?

Unlimited GB Unlimited GB
Total Setup/Activation Fees $59.95

$179.90 w/ modem purchase

Total Monthly Fees

Includes Modem Rental

$55.94 / month $84.95 / month
Avg. Price per GB

Excludes Setup Costs

$0.01 / GB $0.01 / GB
New Comparison TekSavvy DSL 6 Unlimited


Bell FIBE Internet 50


Last Update: Jan-15-2021

Last Update: May-19-2022

Head to Head Comparison - Full Details

TekSavvy DSL 6 UnlimitedBell FIBE Internet 50
Core Services
Connection Type DSL Fibre Optic
Fibre to your neighbourhood
Download Speed 6 Mbps 50 Mbps
Upload Speed 0.8 Mbps 7.5 Mbps
Speed Throttling No No
Monthly Usage Allowance

Internet Usage Calculator

Unlimited GB Unlimited GB
Additional Usage

if Pre-Purchased


Fair Use Policy

Additional Usage

Fee for Exceeding Allowance


Fair Use Policy

Wireless Networking
Modem Purchase/Rental Required No Yes
Modem Rental

Cheapest Model

$9.99 / month Free
Modem Purchase

Cheapest Model

$119.95 Not Available
Non-Core "Freebies"
Emails Not Included 15 Accounts
Online Storage Space Not Included Not Included
One-time / Setup Fees
Activation Fee $49.95 $59.95
Installation Fee $0.00

Pro Install Add-On for Tech Installation: $70.00


Professional Installation - $0 for Self-Install: $99.95

Shipping $10.00 $0.00
Minimum Contract No Minimum Contract No Minimum Contract
Minimum Contract in Bundle No Minimum Contract No Minimum Contract
Monthly Fees
Base Fee $45.95 / month $84.95 / month
Promotional Pricing Not Available Not Available
Bundling Discount Not Available Not Available
Billing Fee - Electric Not Available $0.00
Billing Fee - Paper Not Available $2.00
Total Costs
1 Year $611.35 w/ no modem $1079.35 w/ modem rental
2 Years $1162.75 w/ no modem $2098.75 w/ modem rental
5 Years $2816.95 w/ no modem $5156.95 w/ modem rental

Last Update: Jan-15-2021

Last Update: May-19-2022