How to Watch Future TV International - Pricing and Packages
Name : Future TV International
HD : No
Category : Multicultural
Description : Future Television is a Lebanese-owned and operated company founded in 1993. Future Television, although the youngest of the Lebanese stations back then, became the nation's fastest growing station. Future Television caters to the complete entertainment needs of the Arabic population living around the world. Future TV has produced many popular programs including Superstar (Arabic version of Pop Idol), La Youmal (a comedy/skit show), Miss Elite Top Model, El Halka AlAd'af (Arabic version of The Weakest Link), El Fakh (Arabic version of The Trap) & Alakhbar (News & weather) which is usually broadcast daily on different times. Its most famous talk show is Sireh wo infatahit (Arabic for Open for Discussion) hosted by Zaven Kouyoumdjian. The show, which discusses various social and political issues, is one of the highest rated talk shows in the Arab World. Future TV also broadcasts the Lebanese Premier League and some games played by the Lebanon National Football Team.
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Single Channel Availability
Single Channel Price : $5.00Bell TV Packages that include Future TV International
Base Package : Arabic Package - $40.00
How to Get Future TV International with Rogers

Single Channel Availability
Single Channel Price : Not Available as a Single Channel with Rogers.Rogers TV Packages that include Future TV International
Add-On Package : Arabic Variety Package - $30.30