How to Watch TV Asia - Pricing and Packages
Name : TV Asia
HD : No
Category : Multicultural
Description : TV Asia offers incredible television that includes news, education, dramas, music and movies in Hindi, English, Gujarati and other regional languages, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Includes ATN to satisfy CRTC linkage requirements.
TV Package Optimizer
Try our TV Package Optimizer to find the cheapest way to watch TV Asia, along with your other favourite channels. Simply select which channels you want to subscribe to, and we'll show you how to get them.How to Get TV Asia with Bell

Single Channel Availability
Single Channel Price : $5.00Bell TV Packages that include TV Asia
TV Asia is not available in any Bell TV packages.
How to Get TV Asia with Rogers

Single Channel Availability
Single Channel Price : Not Available as a Single Channel with Rogers.Rogers TV Packages that include TV Asia
Add-On Package : TV Asia - $25.20